Kaya (microwave method)

BH and I had been eating the same old spread for breakfast everyday. So.. I thought that I should be making something new to sweeten up the morning 🙂

I had the intention to make Kaya for the longest time BUT I just can’t find Pandan leaves here. Finally, after a long search.. I found this at the frozen section of Ranch99

Pandan leaf = Pay Toey Leaf


Ingredients needed (BY RATIO)

1Â eggs ( I used 4 eggs)
1Â sugar
1Â pandan leaves
1Â coconut milk

( What I mean by ratio? Break all eggs into a bowl. Make sure the amt of sugar and coconunt milk you used is the same amt as the amt of eggs yield in the bowl. For me, 4 eggs = 1 portion)

1. Break eggs. Stir (NOT BEAT) eggs in 1 direction till the yolks break and is well mixed with the whites. Strain it into a microwaveable bowl

2. Add required amt of sugar in bowl

3. Whisk sugar and eggs. Put in pandan leaves then microwave for 2 minutes

4. After 2 mins, take out from microwave. Whisk mixture. ( Mixture will look lumpy – it’s normal) Put back in microwave

5. Take bowl out of microwave. Strain coconut milk into the mixture. whisk. Put in the microwave oven for 1 min this time,

6. After 1 min, take bowl out of oven and whisk. Do this for abt 6 times or until mixture becomes less lumpy and the colour tends towards green

7. *tadah* Your delicious kaya is ready!!! 😀 It should smell v good… pandan smell!

Optional: My kaya was quite lumpy, to mk it smooth, you will need to use a blender. I have no blender so I had to do the manual way – press kaya against a sieve to smooth it


*Recipe taken and modified from http://livingfootprints.com.au/?p=514Â Thank you!! :)*

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