Christmas 2009

Seriously do not know if this will be my last Christmas in Seattle with BHÂ 🙁 I feel that i’m leading a wasted life here.. but going back to work means it’s lifeless once again.. i really don’t know

Anyhow, BH and I had a “Messy Christmas” instead of a “Merry Christmas” We needed to move out of our old apartment by 30 Dec – so we did the moving and things were like lying ard in every inch of the new place. We also didn’t deco our new place or have any X’mas tree , unlike last yr :(Â The first is always the best ( erm… just like 1st love? heh)

The day before Christmas Eve & Christmas Eve were spent baking

1) Cookies – cheated and used a ready made bake. heh.. turns out nice! okok.. i seriously wanted to mk my own cookies BUT all the rolling pins were OOS!! can u believe it??? man… muz stock baking supplies early here


2) Chocolate Eclairs – baked from scratch… together with the pastry choco cream 🙂 added some x’mas candies as deco for x’mas feel

Christmas Eve


(above shows our potluck x’mas bake and the gifts for White Elephant Game aka gift exchange)

Denny and Sam invited us to their friends’ Christmas party 🙂 We had fun, made new friends ( though it was sad tt Sam was sick and cldn’t mk it)

Christmas Day

erm… spent packing and moving stuff from old place – our old neighbours saw us and he was like ” you guys are moving on Christmas day?? ” manz… we have no choice 🙁

Boxing Day

BH & I exchanged gifts… I think our presents from each other were better? haha..


BH was a happy boy upon receiving the watch – coz i told him i didn’t get anything for him this yr.. hehe

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It didn’t snow in Seattle this yr… so BH gave me a snowflake 🙂 It was sweet BUT can someone pls teach BH how to be romantic? heh.. he figured out tt i was happy with the little blue box last time and decided tt the blue box will mk me happy again… geez… it did but something fresh will be niceR!

BH also made us this!! A calendar! manz… I thought this was the sweetest thing he did after soooooooooo long!!


Every page in each mth was filled with great memories for the year (and I can see how much weight i gained each mth thru’ the pics.. thanx ah..) Anyhow, it’s still a cool and sweet gift!! Shall take pics of it mth by mth and put it up!

yupz… tt’s all for our X’mas weekend…. stay tune for my next entry for pics of our new place! okok.. give u a pic to lead u on 1st.. haha ;p

sneak preview

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