Peanut Butter banana cake
Recipe can be found here Made this as I have 2 super ripe bananas – so it’s easy to mash and might as well put it into ‘better’ use. haha… delicous cake BUT very poisonous! Imagine the calories from the… Read more ›
Recipe can be found here Made this as I have 2 super ripe bananas – so it’s easy to mash and might as well put it into ‘better’ use. haha… delicous cake BUT very poisonous! Imagine the calories from the… Read more ›
Love this! Easy to cook!  Used Kee’s chicken rice mix for the rice – instructions on the bottle For the chicken, proach it in boiling water for abt 15-20 mins then cool it in cold water. Slice the chicken… Read more ›
To make cooking easier, I used ‘Lee Kum Kee’ sauces. The above is one example. Tasty food , ready in just 10 mins! 😀 Of course, the 10 mins excludes prep time!
Ingredients: Beef ( cut for sukiyaki or shabu shabu) Onions (sliced into pieces) Ginger (minced) Oyster sauce Soya sauce Method: 1) Usually the beef comes in long strips, cut into smaller strips. 2) In a bowl, prepare 3 tablespoons of… Read more ›